Prospective Fellows

You might not know it, but the Chinese charitable sector is almost exactly like that of the UK 100 years ago. What Dr. Thomas Barnados did in late 1800s was almost exactly what Mr. Deng and Professor Zhang are doing in China. This means that we are at a vantage point to view the development of Chinese civil society via a rear view mirror. In short, there are a lot you can share with our fellows than you realize.

There are many that you can do. The action points below are only examples. 

  • Would you consider taking a NextFellow as an intern in your organization, or just to shadow and watch?

  • Would you send a colleague of yours to spend a working holiday in one of the Chinese charities?

  • Would you partner with us to host a conference or workshop for your cause?

NextFellows visited Barnardos, January 2013