UK Positions
We are currently looking for the roles below for our office in London, UK.
International Marketing Officer
We are looking for a few people to join us for the IMO position. You will help out or be in charge of planning and coordinating the Foundation’s marketing activities outside of China, especially in the UK.
Project Manager for excellence
We are looking for one person to join us to coordinate internal projects aiming at improving governance, compliance and donor services for our headquarters in London and for the charity projects led by our NextLeaders.
Please download the detailed Job Description for the above roles here (in Microsoft Word format)
Office Base: London, UK. (WFH arrangement is negotiable)
Work sponsorship will be provided for successful overseas applicants.
General Requirements for all our roles:
1. Proficient in English and Chinese (HSK Level 5 or above for non-native Chinese speakers).
2. Familiar with the structure and function of non-profit organisations, including branding and fundraising strategies.
3. Experienced in dealing with multiple stakeholders.
4. Priority is given to those with knowledge and background in finance.
And, be:
5. excited about having first-hand experience working with many effective, award-winning Chinese NGOs supported by ChinaNext. You’ll understand how the NGOs function, and their motivations, and develop practical methods to improve their work.
6. self-motivated to conduct highly creative and innovative work, to showcase effective Chinese NGOs in the international community through branding and fundraising.
7. disciplined enough to analyse and identify suitable resources for the NGOs we support, then gain access to these resources via partnerships and collaborations with multiple stakeholders, from government groups to private enterprises.
Otherwise, you will feel this work is boring, directionless and tiring. You are warned.
We are also looking for unpaid interns/volunteers to join us in the London Office. If you are interested in joining the non-profit section through CNF, please fill in the same form as full-time applications. But please note:
1. Internships are for three months at maximum. We will assess and invite satisfactory interns to apply for our full-time roles.
3. There are 21 days of paid holiday for full-time employees.
4. We will take care of work permit requirements for satisfactory employees.
How to apply:
Please apply online at the link below (You will at least be able to handle a Chinese language application form)
(If met with technical difficulties, please email a motivation letter and a cv to join@chinanext.org).
China Next Foundation is an equal opportunity employer in the UK and in China. All CNF employees or partners receive flexible remunerations closely aligned with their contributions. Remuneration is transparent and under the scrutiny of members in this organisation, and we pay on results, not hours.